Pregnancy yoga that is safe and effective
Why is yoga during pregnancy beneficial?
Yoga can be very helpful for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga helps to calm the mind and body, and relieves both physical and emotional stress throughout the pregnancy journey. Through teachings of breath and relaxation, prenatal yoga can help you to accommodate the demands of a changing body, and cope with labor, birth, and motherhood. Studies have also shown that prenatal yoga can help by:
- improving sleep
- increasing strength, endurance, and flexibility of the muscles used during birth
- decreasing pain, nausea, headaches, and lower the risk of hypertension
How to safely do yoga during your pregnancy
As with all forms of exercise while pregnant, to protect yourself and the health of your growing baby you should consult with your medical provider before you begin a pregnancy yoga routine. Pregnant women should avoid practicing Bikram or hot yoga, because the heat may cause the body temperature to rise and cause hyperthermia. Additionally, if you’re new to yoga this isn’t the time to begin a strenuous yoga practice of ashtanga, power, or certain types of vinyasa.
While practicing prenatal yoga it’s important to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated, and practice in a cool well-ventilated environment. While in prenatal yoga poses, be aware of how your body feels and only stretch as far as feels comfortable for you. Your body changes during pregnancy so don’t push to perform as you would have before you were pregnant. . Avoid postures and sequences that cause you pain or discomfort, and if you noticed any red flags stop immediately and contact a medical professional.
5 helpful yoga poses for pregnancy
These 5 yoga poses are a terrific foundation for a prenatal yoga practice. While pregnant, you may experience pain in parts of your body that have never hurt before, these 5 poses can help to stretch and alleviate discomfort in those areas.
1) Cat - Cow Pelvic Tilt
In this pose you sit up straight with your feet touching each other. Make sure with your sit bones grounded into your mat, and press (but don’t force) your knees into the ground. This is a fantastic hip opening stretch which will help to open up and relieve tension in the pelvic area.
2) Butterfly or Bound Angle pose
During pregnancy, a woman experiences a shift in her center of gravity that can offset her balance. Tree pose, which is primarily a balancing pose, can help expectant mothers feel more grounded and balanced as they progress through their pregnancy.
3) Child’s pose
In a seated position, spread your knees apart but keep your big toes touching. Bend from your hips and rest your forehead on the ground. This is a great pose to practice breathing into the lower back, and is a terrific resting posture to help you regroup from a tiring day.
4) Extended Side Angle pose
This posture is a calming pose that can be done almost anywhere, because it doesn’t take up much space. Triangle pose counteracts particularly anxious periods by helping you to find balance, open the hip and shoulders, and strengthen your legs.
Related links
Nurturing life: Regenerative & Calming Yoga
Prental yoga creating inner space
3 Ways Prenatal Yoga Benefits Both Mom and Baby
Why is yoga during pregnancy beneficial?
Yoga can be very helpful for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga helps to calm the mind and body, and relieves both physical and emotional stress throughout the pregnancy journey. Through teachings of breath and relaxation, prenatal yoga can help you to accommodate the demands of a changing body, and cope with labor, birth, and motherhood. Studies have also shown that prenatal yoga can help by:
- improving sleep
- increasing strength, endurance, and flexibility of the muscles used during birth
- decreasing pain, nausea, headaches, and lower the risk of hypertension
How to safely do yoga during your pregnancy
As with all forms of exercise while pregnant, to protect yourself and the health of your growing baby you should consult with your medical provider before you begin a pregnancy yoga routine. Pregnant women should avoid practicing Bikram or hot yoga, because the heat may cause the body temperature to rise and cause hyperthermia. Additionally, if you’re new to yoga this isn’t the time to begin a strenuous yoga practice of ashtanga, power, or certain types of vinyasa.
While practicing prenatal yoga it’s important to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated, and practice in a cool well-ventilated environment. While in prenatal yoga poses, be aware of how your body feels and only stretch as far as feels comfortable for you. Your body changes during pregnancy so don’t push to perform as you would have before you were pregnant. . Avoid postures and sequences that cause you pain or discomfort, and if you noticed any red flags stop immediately and contact a medical professional.
5 helpful yoga poses for pregnancy
These 5 yoga poses are a terrific foundation for a prenatal yoga practice. While pregnant, you may experience pain in parts of your body that have never hurt before, these 5 poses can help to stretch and alleviate discomfort in those areas.
1) Cat - Cow Pelvic Tilt
In this pose you sit up straight with your feet touching each other. Make sure with your sit bones grounded into your mat, and press (but don’t force) your knees into the ground. This is a fantastic hip opening stretch which will help to open up and relieve tension in the pelvic area.
2) Butterfly or Bound Angle pose
During pregnancy, a woman experiences a shift in her center of gravity that can offset her balance. Tree pose, which is primarily a balancing pose, can help expectant mothers feel more grounded and balanced as they progress through their pregnancy.
3) Child’s pose
In a seated position, spread your knees apart but keep your big toes touching. Bend from your hips and rest your forehead on the ground. This is a great pose to practice breathing into the lower back, and is a terrific resting posture to help you regroup from a tiring day.
4) Extended Side Angle pose
This posture is a calming pose that can be done almost anywhere, because it doesn’t take up much space. Triangle pose counteracts particularly anxious periods by helping you to find balance, open the hip and shoulders, and strengthen your legs.
Related links
Nurturing life: Regenerative & Calming Yoga
Prental yoga creating inner space
3 Ways Prenatal Yoga Benefits Both Mom and Baby