Lose Fat & Sculpt Yourself with Me, Ellysia Noble!
Ellysia Noble , Level 12
4 years ago

hELLO Diego Navarro! Ohh I see ok fab. Wow week 3 fantastic!! Way to go! glad it's going well so far. Yes the cool downs seem to be my nemesis lol. The one piece of feedback I receive all of the time. At the time of recording this , as a coach, I felt that the warm ups in most workouts out there on the market were neglected and as an athlete who was a track athlete I know how much a good warm up and be the make or break from an amazing session so I focused more on the warm ups and not so much on the cool down, also I felt that most people kind of knew how to stretch at the end to cool down. But this was filmed a while back and if i was given the opportunity to film another series for Grokker GrokkerGrokker Grokker then I would add a short cool down just to help wind down the workout. Feel free to add a minute or so at the end for yourself though. Thank you so much for taking the time to do my program and keep me up to date with your progress. Thank you so much and merry christmas to you xoxox

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Ellysia Noble , Level 12
4 years ago

Jennifer Bahr aw I am so happy you enjoyed it thank you!! Oh wow yes school can be such a stressful time but i am so happpy for you that you've finished! Congratulations!! Focus on the basics. Movement daily, plenty of water, the right amount of protein , veggies and carbs . Focus on making sure the essentials are there before cutting things out if that makes sense. Can feel less stressfull and more sustainable long term to do it that way. Good luck with everything and don't hesitate to reach out if you need. Ellysia xoxo Enjoy your holiday season!

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Diego Navarro , Level 71
4 years ago

Ellysla, I did not start your program at the time I posted my question, but i have started it now. I am on week 3. i like it a lot! I do not have a swiss ball or a bench but try to replace those items with other stuff as possible. One thing though, for whatever is worth, i have done a bunch of other programs from other of your colleagues and those all include a few minutes to stretch and relax at the end, which i dont see in your. maybe its just me, but i do enjoy those extra minutes as part of the program as this allows me to bettet estimate my time. otherwise i need to add such a routine.
Best regards and Merry Christmass!

Jennifer Bahr , Level 64
4 years ago

I really enjoyed this program, thank you! Due to being in my last semester before getting my degree I have been sitting for long amounts of time. This helped with getting my circulation going and gaining strength. My diet hasn't been the best and neither have my stress levels, so I am not down 20 lbs :( but now that I am finally finished with school I will be able to focus more on my health. I'm going to continue woking out to these videos. I will lose this weight! :)

Ellysia Noble , Level 12
4 years ago

Jennifer Bahr I am so sorry i have only just seen your post!!! How did you do with the program in the end? I would pick an inbetween weight for something like a medicine ball. If its too heavy then you can just do less reps or use a dumbell if suitable, as a replacement. 8-12lbs is a nice starting point.

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Ellysia Noble , Level 12
4 years ago

Diego Navarro , i am sorry that i have only just seen this question. Did you start the program in the end? Please let me know. you will need an exercise step, dumbells ranging from 5lbs-25+lbs depending on your strength, a mat, some bands, a swiss ball, a medicine ball. Good luck with the program and Have fun :)

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Diego Navarro , Level 71
5 years ago

I am considering startig this program. What equipment do I need?

Jennifer Bahr , Level 64
5 years ago

Hi, I want to lose 20lbs so I just started this program and wow my arms and chest are sore which is a good thing :) I am currently using a heavy duty wooden kids chair as a step since the step I have is not enough height. I will have to get a medicine ball but noticed they are all different weights. What weight do you recommend?

Samanta Fernandez , Level 21

Just saw the answer two comments above mine, sorry!

Samanta Fernandez , Level 21

Hi everyone, I was wondering if there's a list of all the elements needed to do this program. I'd really like to be ready to start and don't have excuses not to :P

Nakita Hampton , Level 5
7 years ago

Hey Ellysia,

I am thinking about starting the program. 1. I wanted to know what equipment would be needed? 2. Is this great program for losing belly fat? I had my daughter two years ago and unable to lose it. I weigh 142 and 5'2. I also wanted to know what type of diet i can be on in order to help with toning and losing the belly fat.

Ellysia Noble , Level 12
8 years ago

Post by Mariela Alfonzo:

Hi! Do you need any equipment to do the program? If so, what kind(s)? Thanks!!

Hi Mariela Alfonzo, you will need an exercise step, dumbells ranging from 5lbs-25lbs depending on your strength, a mat, some bands, a swiss ball, a medicine ball. Good luck with the program and Have fun :)

Instagram: @Ellysia.noble

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Ellysia Noble , Level 12
8 years ago

Post by Michelle Parone:

What do you suggest doing on the days off the workout plan? :)

HI Michelle Parone, the program is a 5-6 day regime so I would suggest to use the other 1 or 2 days off as recovery days. Either some yoga, or a walk or a swim for example. Something more leisurely. The more effective your recovery, the better your workouts will be. Thanks so much,

Ellysia :)

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Mariela Alfonzo , Level 12
8 years ago

Hi! Do you need any equipment to do the program? If so, what kind(s)? Thanks!!

Michelle Parone , Level 28
8 years ago

What do you suggest doing on the days off the workout plan? :)

Ellysia Noble , Level 12
8 years ago

Hi Kelly, Great news on the start of your program, How may I help ? :)

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Kelly A , Level 3
8 years ago

Not sure if your still responding to these Ellysia. Just starting your program and have some nutrition questions if I may. :)

Ellysia Noble , Level 12
8 years ago

Hello Alex Turcot! Thank you so much for getting in touch. I would love to help you on your way. I think the first step is coming to terms with the fact that sometimes life really does get in the way of achieving particular goals expecially when it comes to health and fitness, and just know that it is OK. If you get prepared for this in advance then when things crop up you wont be so hard on yourself :) You shouldn't be hard on yourslef at all. As long as you just dust yourself off and move forward then all will be fine.

First of all find something you enjoy doing. We will stick to what we enjoy. The great thing is that Grokker has soooooooo many different types and levels of workouts and instructors that you are bound find workouts you enjoy and instructors that you love so you will look forward to every time you login to do a workout.

Once you foind the workuts that you like, allocate specific time in your planner to actually do these workouts. Starts with 2-3 times per week as that is enough to start seeing some change but not over committing due to you busy life full of other commitments. More often than not if we over commit then happen to miss a worout we can be really hard on ourselves and then it could deter you for wanting to continue so just keep the freqency realistic. I would then focus on activities on top of that like your step counter, parking a little further away from work so you can walk a bit or getting off the bus one step sooner so you can walk a bit more etc. Go on bike rides, go swimming etc as this is sociable, fun and keeps the idea of activity being healthy running through the family.

My prgram I have on here is great becuase from the feedback I have gotten, my teaching points are very descriptive so it really gives the viewers confidence that they have the right technique therefore it is safe. This then guarantees better results long term as the muscles are actviating as they should be. Nice and precise. I offer regressions and progressions so you can pick teh easier version or the harder version and then there is room to work your way up the more you practice.

Pick a day, sign into a workout and just get started. I really look forward to hearing about your progress. Please keep me updated wont you :) You can also follow me on my Facebook 'Ellysia Noble Lifestyle' so feel free to contact me on here or there if you have more questions.

All the best and good luck. You can do it!!! Ellysia

Post by Alex Turcot:

Hey everyone, I just jumped back in to my firness routines, a tooth extraction then my bottom wisdom teeth being taken out, one impacted, as side-lined me for a month straight! I have been depressed and not working, where I usually clock at least 8000 steps a night, but still taking care of the children and going to class and sittting for two hours, five days a week. (Just trying to give you insight to my routine since the surgeries). I am so happy to be able to start back into a fitness routine but not sure where to start? You seem like you have helped so many and would appreciate some advice or suggestions, Thanks!

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Ellysia Noble , Level 12
8 years ago

Hiya! I hope you got it working OK in the end! :)

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Alex Turcot , Level 11
8 years ago

Hey everyone, I just jumped back in to my firness routines, a tooth extraction then my bottom wisdom teeth being taken out, one impacted, as side-lined me for a month straight! I have been depressed and not working, where I usually clock at least 8000 steps a night, but still taking care of the children and going to class and sittting for two hours, five days a week. (Just trying to give you insight to my routine since the surgeries). I am so happy to be able to start back into a fitness routine but not sure where to start? You seem like you have helped so many and would appreciate some advice or suggestions, Thanks!

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