Where do you live, work, and play?

I do all three in the mountains of Colorado.

How do you spend your days?

I film workout videos, write books and articles, teach fitness classes, play with my dog, Addie, sing opera and music theater (sometimes while planking), watch MST3k (Mystery Science Theater 3000), eat a lot of avocados and hike through the mountains.

What are you passionate about?

My faith, fitness, movies, classical music and opera, filming original workout videos and exploring the mountains.

How did your journey to fitness begin?

Well, I used to lift in high school but that was with pretty bad form and probably wearing Girbaud jeans without a shirt (the 80’s). I started personal training my fellow actors when I was working as a professional singer/actor (for 13 years) and got hooked. I discovered yoga and Pilates while taking jazz dance classes (I had to because I did about 2000 productions of ‘West Side Story’) and loved how it made me look and feel. The rest is history...

Do you have any role models? If so, who are they?

I really don’t have any.

How do you define wellness?

The absence of tension. And feeling the way you did when you were young and never thought about “working out”. When I wasn’t in school I’d play (football, running, biking etc) outside all day with my friends and wouldn’t come home until I was covered in dirt and grass stains. I always think about those days and that intoxicating, endless energy when I think of wellness. Pure joy!

How do you make wellness a priority?

I love to move and be healthy. It’s never been a problem for me. Our bodies and lives are gifts and to abuse either would make me so depressed.

What advice do you have for anyone that is trying to develop a workout habit?

Be realistic. Start slow if you think you’re going to quit. Cross train and find activities/workouts that you enjoy and do them with friends to be accountable. If it’s not enjoyable you probably will quit quickly. Oh, and get outside and move. It’s much more inspiring outside.

What is your spirit animal?


What is your theme song?

Ooh, that’s a good one. It changes every week but right now when I walk into a room I expect people to hear, “Burning Heart” by Survivor or “You’re the Best” (from The Karate Kid) by Joe Esposito. Anything by Motley Crue too. Oh, and “Rhinestone Cowboy” by Glen Campbell. That was the first 45 record I ever had.

Any final words of wisdom?

Never take yourself that seriously. Oh, and watch MST3k...I just love that show!