Where do you work, live, and play?

I work wherever my clients would like to meet me, live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and play on the roads, parks, and trails.

How do you spend your days?

I work as a mobile personal trainer, exercise between training sessions, and spend 100% of any leftover time with my beautiful wife and daughter.

What are you passionate about?

I am most passionate about my family, fitness, and health. I combine my passions any chance I get, which is why LOVE going on family hikes, doing family workouts, and eating home cooked meals together.

How did your journey to fitness begin?

I played lots of sports growing up. I ran Cross Country and Track and Field in High School and college. I didn't exercise for a couple years after I stopped competing and missed that feeling of being super fit. I whipped myself back into shape and decided I wanted to help others get fit and live healthy lifestyles. It wasn't until later that I decided to integrate my love of family with my love of fitness and start a mobile personal training/babysitting business with my wife.

Do you have any role models? If so, who are they?

My parents are my biggest role models. I was lucky enough to be raised by parents who care more about family and their kids than anything else. Now that I have a family of my own, I completely understand why. I try to work as hard as my parents did to create the best environment to raise a family.

How do you define wellness?

Being in good physical and mental health. 'Good' is relative to each individual.

How do you make wellness a priority?

I feel most happy when I am regularly exercising and spending time with my family, so I spend my free time exercising, being with my family, or both at the same time. I choose to avoid spending my free time watching tv, playing video games, etc. When I don't have any free time, I squeeze exercises 5-10 minutes at a time in between things using quick total body exercises.

What advice do you have for anyone who is trying to develop a workout habit?

Find a form of exercise you enjoy doing. It's so much easier to stick to it if you actually enjoy doing it. You will find ways to move things around to focus on exercise instead of creating excuses.

What is your spirit animal?

A Cheetah. I'd like to be as fast as one anyways.

What is your theme song?

"Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor, or almost any of the workout songs in the Rocky series. I get so pumped up when I watch that movie.

Any final words of wisdom?

Don't ever let setbacks or unexpected events get in the way of your effort to achieve wellness. Dust it off and get back to doing what makes you happy and healthy.