How are you able to practice wellness at work?
Becky Wenzlau , Level 28
11 years ago

Nicole Moses I do the same thing! It's amazing how just a little movement will help to pick up your energy levels. I also read this article in the nytimes that taking a walk helps to spur creativity!

Nicole Moses , Level 6
11 years ago

Short walks, especially mid-afternoon when the day's activity starts to catch up with me.

Maggie Boege , Level 6
11 years ago

Packing Healthy and delicious foods, I also listen to quiet music on my breaks. Yogo streaches and breathing exercises at my desk mid morning and mid afternoon and lastly lot's and lot's of water.

Deborah Holstein , Level 14
11 years ago

The Grokker team is fortunate that wellness at work is a company value. And we all use the studio for yoga, meditation or fitness if we aren't filming! Tell me how you can practice wellness at work.

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