What does wellness mean to you?
, Level 11
July 13, 2014

Yes, sleep is so essential, and fundamental to well being!

With enough rest I am able to achieve balance: perpetration of a healthy diet, time with family and friends, exercise, being productive at work, meditation, reading, etc...to live in the present moment; to not get stressed if I do not do something that I "think" I should do... :)

Recently, promoting more wellness in my life is a new found appreciation of food, where it has come from, and how it made its way to my plate. I have been buying local from farmers markets; I am interacting with the people who grow my food! As a result, I am enjoying preparing food more and I am wasting less. I feel good about what I am eating, and I feel good that I am supporting local economy.

Deborah Holstein, Level 14
July 12, 2014

Elaine- thanks for sharing your thinking on wellness. I also am inspired from learning how others find ways to practice self care...it helps me re-commit to my practice those times when my life gets busy

Elaine Whyler, Level 2
July 12, 2014

I think wellness is achieved when we are able to find balance in our lives. It is multifaceted. The areas that comprise each individual's wellness are physical vitality, emotional balance, mental clarity, & spiritual alignment. While it may sound simple in theory, it's actually very complex and requires a dedicated practice of self-care. This is an area I often struggle with... dedicating the time to self-care practice. It seems elusive at times when life gets overwhelming & busy, but I recognize that's when I need it the most. I thin that's the reason I find myself checking in with wellness sites like this one, because I feel like I can learn from those who've been successful in adopting a self-care practice and have found balance in their lives.

Deborah Holstein, Level 14
June 30, 2014

Susanne - I totally agree! sleep is essential!

, Level 11
June 28, 2014

Essetially, wellness to me is 8 hrs. of uninturpted sleep.

Deborah Holstein, Level 14
May 2, 2014

I hope you had to chance to read my blog on What is Wellness Anyway? (https://grokker.com/blog/wellness-2/wellness-anyway/). In it I share some "official" definitions that I take inspiration from. For me, wellness is not an end-goal, rather it is a set of active choices I make anew each day to the benefit of my overall well being. I would love to hear your definition of wellness here. Thanks!

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