I've been wanting to start a meditation practice for a long time. Anyone else been thinking of trying it? What's holding you back?
Dina Wiltshire , Level 3
10 years ago

The only thing holding me back was the thought of 'boredom' and uselessness of the practice....BOY WAS I WRONG....there is nothing boring or useless about meditation...I now cherish my meditation time, see it as an important TO DO in my day and follow Dr .Joe Dispenza's meditation which I have found excellent for me...I add in 1 x 15 minute transindental meditation (no sound, no guided etc.) in the morning which helps to center me....it is worth learning how to meditate as the benefits are huge. It is however a practice. You must do it regularly to grow with it. No different from Yoga...the more you practice, the better you get :-) Good luck...

AS SB , Level 1
10 years ago

Oh, and this book also comes with a CD of guided meditations.

AS SB , Level 1
10 years ago

I just took a Meditations class at my church. We used the book "Yoga for Dummies"
The title sounds a bit condescending, but it's really a good book! It addresses what you ask about
difficulty in getting started, what holds us back, and a host of other great info on meditation.
You can find it on Amazon, other bookstores, or the store called Ollie's Outlet (if one in your area) sells
a lot of these books. There is a "_______ for Dummies" book on nearly every subject you can think of!
Hope this helps.

Kristin  Rodriguez , Level 3
11 years ago

It is hard, but with practice it should get easier.

Kim K. , Level 49
11 years ago

I watched/listened to Fostering Mindfulness over the weekend. It was difficult, to be honest. I struggled to remain still and keep the distractions to a minimum. I liked that Davidji spoke of accepting the intruding the thoughts since I kept having them. I'm certain, as with everything else, it will get easier with time and practice. I will try the second in the series this weekend and hopefully it will come a little easier. Has anyone else tried it yet?

Kristin  Rodriguez , Level 3
11 years ago

I'm starting with Fostering Mindfulness as well.

Kim K. , Level 49
11 years ago

Becky Wenzlau, the same one. The first in the series, so perhaps we could make it through the whole series and compare notes?

Becky Wenzlau , Level 28
11 years ago

Kim K. The first video in davidji's series is Fostering Inner Acceptance -- the beginning seems like a good place to start. Which one are you thinking about?

Kim K. , Level 49
11 years ago

Becky Wenzlau, have you decided on a particular video? I'm headed over to look them over now.

Kim K. , Level 49
11 years ago

Deborah Holstein, that's what I need - the guided meditation. No doubt I will need help in getting my mind back to it at first. I probably would have forgone the atttempt but now that I've made the commitment here I will follow through. I'm planning on trying it last thing tonight, when things have settled down and I feel I can give it my complete attention.

Kim K. , Level 49
11 years ago

Kristin Rodriguez, I read something awhile back about meditation helping with both weight loss and smoking cessation. Have you tried one of the videos yet?

Deborah Holstein , Level 14
11 years ago

Kristin Rodriguez - I hadn't heard meditation can be good for weightloss...that's an added benefit. Maybe because it keeps you more mindful of what you're eating...? Can't wait to hear how it goes this weekend for you! which video are you trying first?

Deborah Holstein , Level 14
11 years ago

Kim K. - I hope you do try it this weekend. Sometimes the fear of "what if" holds us back from even trying...you never know, the guided meditation videos are so good because the teacher keeps you focused - it's funny how they just "know" that your mind may be wandering and then say just the right thing to get you back. Please let us know how it goes!

Kim K. , Level 49
11 years ago

Sure, I'll give it a go this weekend. I feel the same way about exercise. It can be so calming for the mind. I love the idea of being able to meditate but so hesitant to actually begin.

Kristin  Rodriguez , Level 3
11 years ago

I want to medidate--I read an article stating it can be helpful in weightloss. I've seen a lot of the videos (haven't watched yet) that are on Grokker and they look great. I plan to try this evening/weekend!

Becky Wenzlau , Level 28
11 years ago

Kim K. I am new to meditation as well, and share your fears. I've been making excuses lately saying things like "I don't have the time" to slow down. I often find exersize, particularly swimming, to be very meditative and am getting more curious about trying the real deal. I'm thinking about trying one of the davidji meditation videos this weekend. Most are only 20 minutes--so I don't feel like I have much to lose.

Want to try together?

Kim K. , Level 49
11 years ago

I would love to practice meditation. My fear is that my inability to remained focused, still and quiet (adhd) will hinder my abilities. I find it extremely difficult to have a calm mind. It makes me nervous just thinking about being still. I'm open to suggestions.

Deborah Holstein , Level 14
11 years ago

After months of not starting a meditation practice I finally kicked these myths to the curb and am loving the results. Myth 1: you have to "learn" to meditate. #2: It takes a lot of time #3: It's only for crunchy spiritualists #4: I won't see any immediate benefit. #5: You need to be in a quiet, organized, calm place. None of that is true! Phew! See my blog post for more on how I debunked these myths.

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