January 17, 2017

Does Grokker have any daily or weekly meal suggestions? Or do they provide some kind of service to help people create a healthy nutrition plan?

Vrithika Anandham, Level 8
Vrithika Anandham
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Responses (1)
Leslie Vale, Level 43
Leslie Vale32 points
January 23, 2017

Hi Vrithika, great question! This is something we are working on! From your perspective, what would be most helpful in terms of guidance? For instance, a grocery list, videos talking about meal planning, recipes, something else? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

While we work on an offering, I suggest you check out some of our healthy recipes on Grokker like these: https://grokker.com/cooking/healthy-eating/series/honestly-healthy-six-day-slim-down/5501d5dbe7ad06765109d89a

Also, a few healthy habits to start adopting on your journey:

1. Cut sugary drinks like soda and juice and drink more water
2. Eat less processed foods and more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins
3. Don't eat with distraction such as TV. Eat at the table in order to be mindful of when you are truly full.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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