August 8, 2018

I did like 21 videos and I am not getting any credit. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong ?

Lidia Contreras, Level 5
Lidia Contreras
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
August 8, 2018

Hi Lidia Contreras. Anytime you watch a video, you should click "I Did This" to get credit for the video in either a program, challenge, or under the "I Did This" tab. If you are doing a program and you watch a video and claim an I Did This, you should receive a checkmark next to the video. Please note, though, that you will not receive checkmarks for recipes. If you have specific questions on videos that you did not receive credit for, please email us the specifics at and we would be happy to look into the situation.

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