8 months ago

My son has been told to go on a non diary diet which is harder than i thought - any family meals that could be suggested for a 12 year old please

Dominique Croft , Level 4
Dominique Croft
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Responses (2)
Suzanne Harrelson , Level 43
Suzanne Harrelson1 point
7 months ago

Make sure you look at all the ingredients on labels. My daughter had to go dairy and soy free after she had her baby. She lived on Chipotle as it was the only safe takeout food that she could find (bowl not burrito). Mexican - minus the cheese - are good options. Bread is much harder since most of them have dairy.
There are chocolate chips from Nestle that are dairy and soy free and I made her cookies and she said they tasted really good.

Margaret K , Level 84
Margaret K221 points
8 months ago

Please find our non dairy videos.

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