Shawnee Randolph , Level 32
4 years ago

I share that sentiment. This weekend I decided I had to just get over myself and do it. I've woken up the past three mornings and have done a LIT workout and yoga. I'm scared I'll lose momentum. Good luck to you!

Robin Otto , Level 7
5 years ago

Great goal!
Sometimes when I have 20 minutes, I will set my timer for 10 minutes on my phone. Walk one way for 10 minutes and the return trip will also be 10 minutes. 20 minutes and a walk is done... When you don't have time to do the three miles! :)

Martin Wood , Level 5
5 years ago

Post by Shelene Dunn:

After today there will be no excuses! I will be walking @ least 3 miles daily!!

Great mindset! Would love to hear an update on your progress :)

Rob Roye , Level 6
5 years ago

Sharlene, I think its great that you are aware that you want a change in your life. Once you start the progress it will become an easy process. I love people that take care of themselves. Its just the fact that people are trying. Keep up the good work. 1 mile or 5 miles are progress. Keep us posted on how its working for you.

Sue Kerr , Level 61
5 years ago

:) I can see where you are coming from as I have been there myself. However, if you can think of 100 excuses why should not work out, then you should also have 101 reasons why you should work out. This is where a community like Grokker can help, just give a shout out for assistance. We are all here for you.

Shelene Dunn , Level 6
5 years ago

After today there will be no excuses! I will be walking @ least 3 miles daily!!

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