Training with a wrist tendinitis: Are there some strenght training videos with no (or very little) support on hands?
Sue Kerr, Level 60
August 20, 2019

Hi Anne-Laure, Many of the videos can be modified to suit your requirement, but you may have to think outside the box to begin with. Without knowing your current fitness level, where to begin is difficult to say. Try Ben Zorn Low Impact (LIT) Challenge. Sarah Kusch has some fantastic workouts. Drop the weights or just use as light as possible and gradually work your way up. Any exercise that requires you to rely on your wrist will need to be modified. That is - no high planks, no full cobras, no high side planks. All of these you will be able to adjust and use your whole forearm even a downward dog. Clearly push ups, mountain climbers, burpees (what a shame - lol) will be out of the question until you seek clearance from your physiotherapist. A good physiotherapist will be able to give you addition exercises to strengthen your wrists or offer wrist supports.
Hope this helps and I wish you all the best for your fitness journey and wellness.

Anne-Laure B, Level 6
August 17, 2019

I found some standing yoga videos, but I can't find full body (or at least not legs only) strenght training without impact on wrists. I can use dumbells and support myself with my hands while on my knees for instance, but I can't put all my body weight on my hands. Any suggestion?

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