5 years ago Hi Bev Forst. Here is an article on Grokker's help site that you may want to look at. If this doesn't work, please contact us at support@grokker.com. | |
5 years ago I can't even get my Fitbit Charge 2 to sync with your site through my laptop! Need help. Thanks! | |
6 years ago Hi Ann Allen. We typically add new content about every 4-8 weeks. Since the beginning of January, we have launched new videos from Sue Mah on Reducing Sugar and from Ben Zorn on Low Impact Training. Soon we will be releasing new videos by Celest and in a few more weeks by Sarah Kusch. Hope that helps! | |
6 years ago Any exercises for older people or people who never exercise or over weight people? | |
6 years ago These exercises are to hard for me. I also have a knee injury so i cannot get on my knees. What can you do for people like this and who are older? | |
9 years ago Hi I'm new as well and wondering how to make a scheduled routine so I can get in a good workout and then some meditation. | |
12 years ago Hi. My name is Drew. My colleague Becky and I will be helping to moderate our new fitness forums. We want this forum to be a place on Grokker for our community of fitness enthusiasts to share and exchange with other like-minded enthusiasts, experts and Grokker team members. As we start to ramp things up, please start a thread with a question or comment you have or respond to this thread with any questions about Grokker or suggestions you have. Also, you can always reach Becky and I via email by sending a note to fitness@grokker.com. Looking forward to connecting with many of you in the future! Cheers, Drew |