December 10, 2018

A video did not stay where I left it making it appear I skipped the first half. I was only awarded 1/2 the video's minutes. Is there a way to divide a workout if needed?

Kimberly Montgomery, Level 43
Kimberly Montgomery
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
December 10, 2018

Hi Kimberly Montgomery. If you pause a video but don't exit the screen, you should be able to continue watching from that point at a later time. However, if you exit that screen at all, the next time you bring up the video screen, you will be starting from the beginning. It's fine to fast forward to the point that you left off and continue from there.

Your overall Wellness minutes are based on the actual number of viewing minutes you have. For example, if a video is 30 min and in the first viewing you only watch 10 min, you will be awarded 10 Wellness Minutes. If you go back to this video and fast forward through the first 10 minutes, then watch the next 20 minutes and claim an "I Did This", you will get credit this time for 20 overall wellness minutes. So overall, you would receive 30 Wellness Minutes, but the minutes would just be awarded at different times.

Does that help? If not, please let me know.

Thanked by Kimberly

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