December 8, 2018

Can a video be sent to me each day? I don't want to have to decide. What does joining a program mean?

Dawn Longville, Level 10
Dawn Longville
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Responses (3)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
December 10, 2018

Hi Dawn Longville. Great question. Yes! Joining a program will do what you are looking for. A program is a set of guided workouts with a schedule of when you should do the workout. The idea is to take the guesswork out of which video to do. And once you are part of a program, you will be sent email reminders each morning of what video is scheduled.

In addition, on your homepage of, the top left corner shows "Your Next Video". This video is selected for you based on (a) if you are part of a program, the next scheduled video or (b) if you are following any topics, based on your interests, videos will be suggested for you and/or (c) if you've taken the quiz, based on the results of that, videos will also be suggested for you.

I hope this helps. If you need any suggestions of programs to join, let me know your interests and what you're looking for, and I would be happy to offer some ideas.

Thanked by Dawn
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
December 10, 2018

Hi Dawn Longville. I believe you should have received an email today for "Mindful Evening Yoga". And tomorrow morning at 6:00 am, you should receive an email for "Stress Busting Yoga". Please let me know if you don't receive either of these emails. (To be safe, can you check your spam folder?)

Dawn Longville, Level 10
Dawn Longville0 points
December 10, 2018

Hi Dawn Longville. I believe you should have received an email today for "Mindful Evening Yoga". And tomorrow morning at 6:00 am, you should receive an email for "Stress Busting Yoga". Please let me know if you don't receive either of these emails. (To be safe, can you check your spam folder?)

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