August 28, 2018

can i review the videos all in a week or do i literally need to view 1 video a day?

Stella Vela, Level 6
Stella Vela
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
August 29, 2018

Hi Stella Vela. I suspect you are inquiring about the videos from the 21 Day Nutrition Reboot program. To get the most out of the program, it is best to watch the videos over the 21 days, according to the schedule listed within the program. This program is about changing habits for 3 weeks. With that said, it doesn't always work for people's schedules to watch the videos on their scheduled day. So you are allowed to watch mulitple videos on one day. Please note, though, in order to receive a red checkmark next to the videos on the program page, you will need to watch the videos within the window of 5 days before through 5 days after they were scheduled. (Note: recipe videos won't receive a checkmark next to them.) And several videos from week 1 are repeated in weeks 2 and 3. You will need to watch those videos for a 2nd time and claim a 2nd "I did this". ... I hope this helps!

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