July 16, 2018

Can I use honey? How do I specify I did the grocery list and shopping? In general, how do I "Do This" on an activity that isn't a video watch.

Kim Laurance, Level 13
Kim Laurance
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 97
Debbie Coldiron132 points
July 16, 2018

Hi Kim Laurance. I'm trying to decipher your questions, and I believe they are stemming from Chris Mohr's 21 Day Nutrition Program. Is that correct? If you are watching the video "Your Healthy Grocery List", you can simply click "I Did This" after watching the video, just like any other Yoga or Fitness video. This video will then show on your "I Did This" tab. If you have a different question, please let me know.

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