July 16, 2019

Do the Grokker videos have access via Firestick or Roku? ...or only pc, phone, tablet, etc.?

Hillary Woest, Level 48
Hillary Woest
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Responses (1)
Sami Oliva, Level 50
Sami Oliva15 points
July 17, 2019

You can access Grokker via Firestick, Roku, and Apple TV. You can also watch Grokker on your TV by streaming on Chrome browser with a Chromecast or a HDMI cord and your laptop. Here's a link from the help center that can guide you:

Firestick: https://support.grokker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021895871-How-do-I-stream-Grokker-on-Amazon-Firestick-

Roku: https://support.grokker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000166632-How-do-I-stream-Grokker-on-Roku-

Apple TV: https://support.grokker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022414812-How-do-I-stream-Grokker-on-Apple-TV-

Chromecast: https://support.grokker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000171471-How-do-I-stream-Grokker-via-Chromecast-

If you need any specific help with accessing Grokker on these platforms, definitely shoot an email to support@grokker.com for more detailed help.

Thanked by Hillary

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