June 25, 2019

Do you do the video 1 for 1, or repeat the exercises in each video multiple times (and if so, at what schedule)?
Thanks. (the videos are very encouraging, I think I might pull it off this time!)

Taher Vohra, Level 4
Taher Vohra
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Responses (1)
Sami Oliva, Level 50
Sami Oliva15 points
June 25, 2019

A great thing about Grokker is that you can watch videos at any time! The platform was built with anytime-access in mind, so if you do want to repeat an excercise multiple times you can always rewind it or rewatch the video. You have the ability to personalize your work outs to your own fitness level. For programs, when you sign up they give you a structured workout schedule, but you can always take extra time if you need to. You can do this!

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