September 30, 2019

For men in their 40's and out of shape, ready to get back in shape, where do we start? There are so many videos and programs it's overwhelming!

Scott Franklin, Level 7
Scott Franklin
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Responses (1)
Sue Kerr, Level 60
Sue Kerr8 points
October 3, 2019

Hi Scott. Great to see that you would like to make amends to your health. Grokker is a great starting point. I would first recommend a trip to your GP, particularly if you haven't done any exercise for a long time and follow their advice first and foremost. Walking and swimming are always good starters. Please view the videos by Ellen Barrett. Some of these can be done on a treadmill as well. Getting out and enjoying the fresh air is also good for the soul. Water provides around 12 times the resistance of air. So any walking or exercise in water is a good starter as well. This also keeps things gentle on your joints. Also, view Ben Zorn videos as low impact exercise are kinder to your body. Low impact does not mean low results. Kelly Lee has many beginner videos to follow, particularly beginner core exercises. By having a strong core you will be able to accomplish anything. Sarah Kush also provides resistant training videos for you. Please check out what Grokker has to offer.
Please check back here from time to time and let us know how you are going. Using Grokker videos you are able to start your journey in the privacy of your own space. Even if you do join a gym, remember the workout is for you and not the other members of the gym.
I wish you well on your journey to fit and healthy.

Thanked by Scott

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