October 25

Hello all -- sorry, I'm new to this. Once we link our FitBit account to our Grokker account -- the the site automatically update our steps on a daily basis?

Diane Clohesy, Level 9
Diane Clohesy
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Responses (1)
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K207 points
November 2

Grokker does not sync steps but we do sync activities that have a start and finish time so if you track a walk we will sync that.

Please find information on how Fitbit works with Grokker.
When you connect your Fitbit account with Grokker, Fitbit activities from up to 48 hours ago will be sync'd. Going forward your workouts will be automatically sync'd with Grokker.
We record activities tracked by devices only. You need to start your device, choose the workout, end the workout when done and save. Manually entered activities are not used.
We only record the following Fitbit Activities: walk, run, bike, swim, sport, hike, elliptical, aerobic, training, exercise, and fitness.
We do not sync any steps.

Thanked by Diane

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