November 28, 2018

Hello Ellysia, May I know your dumbell weights which you use? Thanks Deepti

Deepti Patro, Level 23
Deepti Patro
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
November 28, 2018

Hi Deepti Patro. I believe Ellysia Noble is using 5 lb dumbbells. You can play around with the weights and see what challenges you without compromising your form. Maybe you want to go up to 8, 10 or 12 lb dumbbells for a harder challenge. Or maybe you find 3 lbs is what you need to use to have the proper form. You'll want to pick the weight that is right for you. And you may find that you need to adjust the weights during the different rounds. Best of luck!

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