December 3, 2018

Hello, is there a way for me to use Grokker through my television as well? If so, are there instructions on how I would be able to access?

Kelly Day, Level 5
Kelly Day
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
December 3, 2018

Hi Kelly Day. Great question. Yes! You may watch Grokker on your TV through any of these options:

1. Apple TV
2. Roku Streaming Stick
3. Amazon FireStick
4. Chromecast (has to be through Chrome browser on your device)
5. HDMI cable connected to your laptop.

Do you have any of these devices? If so, I would be happy to give you instructions on how to set it up. I believe you have your account through Aetna, so your instructions are slightly different. If you can email me at, I would be happy to send you instructions through an email.

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