July 31, 2017

Hi! I accidentally signed up for the summer challenge.... how do i take myself out of it

N R, Level 2
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Responses (1)
Loren Enochson, Level 9
Loren Enochson44 points
August 7, 2017

Hi N R, I am happy to help!

You can leave a program by following the steps below:
•Logging in to your account via https://grokker.com
•Go to the program page
•Scroll down, on the far right side under related programs there will be a box that says 'Can't Keep Up? Leave the Program' and choose 'Leave the Program' .

Once you have left the program you are able to join a new one.

Hope this helps! If you need further assistance of any kind please reach out to us via email at support@grokker.com

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