November 16, 2020

How can I see which videos in a program I've missed. I've got two programs for which I've missed a couple but I can't figure out which ones I need to complete. Thank you!

Sanah Krech, Level 79
Sanah Krech
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Responses (2)
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
November 16, 2020

If you stil need help finding the videos please email and we can assist you. Thanks.

Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
November 16, 2020

Go the program page and click in to the program and if you look on the Left hand side of the page you can see check marks next to the videos you have completed. There won't be any check mark next to the ones that are yet to be watched and you can go ahead and watch them from there.

Thanked by Sanah

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