March 27, 2019

how do i cancel out of a program to join another

Eileen Cunningham, Level 3
Eileen Cunningham
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Responses (2)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
March 28, 2019

Hi Eileen Cunningham. Great question. Unfortunately, at this time, a user may only join one program at a time. I can give you a workout around if you would like to join more than one program:

1. Join the longer of the two programs
2. Then navigate to the 2nd program you are interesting in joining.
3. Select each video within the program and manually add each video to your calendar, following the same schedule of the program.

Although you won't be enrolled in the 2nd program, you will see the videos on your calendar and you will receive email reminders for each workout.

I hope this helps!

Thanked by Eileen
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
March 27, 2019

Hi Eileen Cunningham. If you'd like to leave a program, navigate to the program you are enrolled in. Once you are on that page, scroll down to "Changed your mind? Leave program". Click on that and you will be removed from the program. You will then be free to join a different program.

Thanked by Eileen

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