August 7, 2017

how do i find a schedule a program

Heather Camacho, Level 10
Heather Camacho
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Loren Enochson, Level 9
Loren Enochson44 points
August 7, 2017

Hi Heather, I am happy to help!

You can schedule a program to your Grokker calendar by following these steps:
•Log on to your Grokker account via
•Go to the program page of the program that you are interested in.
•Select the "Join Program" button on the bottom right of the main image.
•Follow the instructions to select a time and date to start your program based on your preference. Select the "Add to Calendar" button to confirm.
•All of the videos in the program will be added to your calendar based on the cadence of the schedule.

Note: You will receive an email reminder or iOS app reminder 10 minutes before each scheduled video. Click the reminder and it will take you straight to the video page.

For further details please follow this link:

I hope this helps! If you need further assistance of any kind please reach out to us via email at


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