7 months ago

How i can share and invite people to Grokker?

Gian Paolo Leone Ramos , Level 38
Gian Paolo Leone Ramos
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Responses (2)
Gian Paolo Leone Ramos , Level 38
Gian Paolo Leone Ramos0 points
7 months ago

And if I want to send to a New memeber And cancel o e?

Margaret K , Level 83
Margaret K216 points
7 months ago

As a Trane employee you can invite two family members with the following instructions:
Go to your homepage at grokker.com
Click on your Avatar and go to Account Settings
Scroll down to Family Invitations and invite your family members and click INVITE 

Go to the Grokker app
Click on My Profile and go to Account Settings
Go to Family Invitations and click INVITE and enter their email

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