June 3, 2020

I can't seem to do core exercises like crunches without straining my neck. Is there anyone/a video with a good explanation as to why this happens? Is it normal or dangerous?

Rosina Jones, Level 12
Rosina Jones
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Responses (1)
Chad Armijo, Level 15
Chad Armijo1 point
June 3, 2020

As a Pilates instructor I encourage my students to tuck their chin to their chest and look at their belly button. This keeps the focus on the abs and doesn't allow the cervical muscles to take over. If you feel your chin leaving your chest and your neck engage, just reset your position. For some people this takes a lot of practice. It is normal in the sense that a lot of people do it by it's not the correct position for ab work.

Thanked by Rosina

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