April 16, 2019

I did the Daily Workout yesterday. How do I track that on my April Activity calendar?

Julie Clarke, Level 4
Julie Clarke
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
April 16, 2019

Hi Julie Clarke. When you complete the Daily Workout, you may claim the "I Did This" (IDT) on the last screen. Click "Send" to save this. Once you do that, 15 minutes will be added to your overall Wellness Minutes. In addition, you will see this workout on your calendar on your homescreen, your calendar under "My Profile", and your "I Did This" tab under "My Profile".

If you did not claim the IDT for yesterday's workout, you may go back to that workout and click to the end of it. Then claim the IDT on the last screen. The date will show today but you will get credit for completing it.

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