June 4, 2018

I have deleted my program HIIT AFTERBURN before it is finished but it wont allow me to chose another program now to start

Mary Baker, Level 8
Mary Baker
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
June 4, 2018

Hi Mary Baker. I just looked at your account and it looks like you are still part of the HIIT Afterburn program. You will need to leave this program before you are able to join a different program. To leave the program:

1. Navigate to your homepage on grokker.com
2. In the box on the upper right, you should see the program that you are currently enrolled in.
3. Click on that program and then scroll down.
4. On the right side, under "Related Programs", you will see an option for "Can't Keep up? Leave program". Click on "Leave Program".
5. You will now be able to join a different program.

If you have any further questions, please let me know. You are also welcome to email me at support@grokker.com.

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