July 2, 2019

I have done all the videos in my current programme, but i haven't clicked "I did this" for all the videos (even though all of them show as completed. How do i mark them as done?

Marta Gonzalez Ferrero, Level 30
Marta Gonzalez Ferrero
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Responses (1)
Sami Oliva, Level 50
Sami Oliva15 points
July 2, 2019

There's a quick fix if you forgot to click "I Did This" for some of the videos that you already completed. You just need to watch over 1 minute of the video and then hit the "I Did This" button. Make sure to hit send after so that it goes through. After doing this, your program should show that you completed those videos. You can always email the support line at support@grokker.com if you need more help!

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