November 14, 2018

I miss the days when
the instructors (at least the ones I consistently follow)responded to comments.What changed?

Lisa Tillman, Level 86
Lisa Tillman
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Responses (2)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
November 14, 2018

Hi Lisa Tillman. The only thing that I know that is a lot different than a few years ago is that we have a lot more users on our site. I suspect the experts are getting more volume. However, we are looking for ways to better streamline that for them, so that they can quickly respond to users. I'll keep you updated as we improve this process. Thanks for taking the time to write in!

Thanked by Lisa
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
November 14, 2018

Thanks for the feedback, Lisa Tillman. We're working on improving our notifications so that the experts know when a question is posted.

Thanked by Lisa

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