February 6, 2019

I’ve synced my Fitbit with Grokker but it only takes 1 reading/day. I’ve tried the resync and disconnect/reconnect. I am active in the AM & PM Am I only supposed to sync once at night before bed?

Jill Sauld, Level 32
Jill Sauld
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
February 6, 2019

Hi Jill Sauld. The Fitbit sync with Grokker should take place almost immediately after your workout is complete. So if you do a morning, afternoon, and evening workout, you should have 3 different syncs that took place. Something to keep in mind: in order for a Fitbit workout to sync with Grokker, it has to be a tracked activity. This means that Grokker does not sync steps, nor do we sync manually entered activities. The activity actually has to be tracked by your device.

If you are tracking activities on your Fitbit that aren't being synced to Grokker, can you please email us at support@grokker.com? We can help you troubleshoot the issue. When emailing us, it's helpful if you can provide a screenshot of your Fitbit dashboard that shows the specific activity that was not synced, which also includes the date and length of the workout.

Thanked by Jill

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