April 17, 2019

I want to invite a family member to use my Grokker account. I did this for my wife already. However, I don't see the link now. I would like to invite my son. Thanks, Mike

Mike Rivney, Level 8
Mike Rivney
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
April 17, 2019

Hi Mike Rivney. Welcome to Grokker! I'm glad to hear that you want to get your family hooked on Grokker as well. For MGM employees, you have the ability to invite up to two family members. You may do this by...

1. Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner and select "Account Settings"
2. There is a section in the middel for "Family Members".
3. You may enter you son's email address in here, and he will then receive an email with a link to sign-up for Grokker.

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