April 18, 2018

If i share the site with a friend do they have to pay monthly ? or is it free as it is for me thru Aetna.

Petra Gruenig, Level 9
Petra Gruenig
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Responses (2)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
April 19, 2018

Hi Petra Gruenig. Once you invite your family members through your account settings, they should receive an email with a link to sign-up. They should not be asked for a credit card. If you've sent them the link and they are having problems, please email us at support@grokker.com and let us know who the users are (their email addresses). We can help resolve the problem. Thanks!

Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
April 18, 2018

Hi Petra Gruenig. As an Aetna user, you are allowed to invite family members to join Grokker. They would then have free access to Grokker like you do. To do this, you go into "Account Settings" and you'll see an area in the middle of the screen to invite family. I hope that helps.

Thanked by Petra

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