August 16, 2019

Is there any reason why I can't get the daily workouts on my tv? I can only seem to access them from my computer or phone apps. Also I like the addition of the timer for the daily workouts!

Lisa Barth, Level 39
Lisa Barth
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Responses (1)
Sami Oliva, Level 50
Sami Oliva15 points
August 22, 2019

Unfortunately the only way you can get the daily workouts on your tv right now is through a screen sharing method like Google Chrome Cast, Apple TV, or an HDMI cord. You would have to cast, airplay, or link from your phone or computer in order to have it on your tv. Here's a link from the help desk on how you would be able to get the Daily Workout on your tv from a Chromecast:

Thanked by Lisa

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