May 30, 2018

Is there any way to indicate if you are pregnant to tailor things a bit more to that situation?

Jessica Saul, Level 3
Jessica Saul
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 97
Debbie Coldiron132 points
May 31, 2018

Hi Jessica Saul. Great question. The best thing I can suggest is to search for "pre-natal" videos. Here is a direct link to the ones we have in our library: I suspect that many of our other workouts can be modified to do while pregnant. You may want to search for "low impact" under the categories of both "yoga" and "fitness". While these may not be designed specifically for pregnant women, you may be able to enjoy them while making necessary modifications. Unfortunately, when watching a video there is no way to indicate that you are pregnant. I hope this helps.

Thanked by Jessica

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