September 5, 2018

What value am I getting out of syncing my fitbit to Grokker?

jenn ritchie, Level 7
jenn ritchie
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
September 5, 2018

Hi jenn ritchie. Great question. If you sync your FitBit to Grokker, your workout minutes from your FitBit will sync to Grokker and be calculated toward your overall Wellness Minutes. I like to do this so that I can go to one place to see all my workout minutes for the week. On my homepage, I can see how many minutes I've done for the week, which includes my Grokker workouts plus my FitBit minutes.

In addition, when there are challenges running (about once a quarter), these FitBit minutes will be counted toward the challenge goal.

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