April 15, 2018

Where do you go to see the series that I have completed or currently doing? please advise.. Thank you

Jo G, Level 62
Jo G
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
April 16, 2018

Hi Jo G. Great questions. To see what program you are currently enrolled in, you should go to your homepage (by clicking the Grokker logo in the upper left). If you are currently doing a program, you will see the program in the top middle of the screen, and it will say "Your Program". If you are not enrolled in a program, you will see suggested programs or new releases.

To see completed programs, there is currently not an option to see these. Although that would be a nice option to have! I have added the suggestion to our list of "wanted features". Thanks for pointing it out.

Thanked by Jo

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