Finding the time to exercise is a challenge for almost all of my clients, especially for those who are parents. It can be equally as challenging to make sure our kids are getting enough exercise. Here are some ideas that will help us accomplish both:


Hiking can be done with kids of almost any age and is a great way to get closer to nature. Looking for animal tracks and birds becomes so much fun with kids!

Playing at the park

It’s easy for kids to get exercise at the park playing on the jungle gym or just running around but what about parents? Play a game of tag, hide and seek, or whatever other creative games your little one comes up with.

Riding bicycles

Plan a route along quiet streets, find a large open blacktop area, or use a bike child trailer. If riding with your child doesn’t give you enough of a workout, try running alongside them!


You don't always have to do laps to get exercise in the pool. Whether it's playing Marco Polo, doing cannonballs, or just learning to swim, exercise is all around you in the pool.

Playing catch

In addition to being great exercise, playing catch is great for motor skills and hand/eye coordination. Make running catches once your kids are old enough to get more cardiovascular work.

Walk the dog

Make this daily task more fun by doing it together. Baby carriers and strollers give an added challenge to those with younger kids!


Kids love helping with gardens. You will both get to squat, lift, dig, and play with dirt. Letting them help grow vegetables can also be a great way to get them to eat them!

Playing basketball

Basketball is fun- from kiddie hoop to full sized hoop. Practice free throws, play Horse, or one-on-one. You can’t go wrong with basketball, whatever the age.

My favorite is hiking with my wife and daughter (she’s 3 months old). What is your favorite family exercise activity?ect with a community to keep you motivated and confident. You are worth it!