Finding my Friends and Sharing Fitbit Info
Kelly Grady, Level 38
February 1, 2018

Thank you so much! This is all very helpful :)

Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
February 1, 2018

Great questions, Kelly Grady. To find your friends, just type their name in the search box that you find on any screen. Once their profile is brought up, you can click "follow" them. On your "Profile" screen, it will show you everyone you are following. You can click on any of them to see what they've been up to. In addition, every time they post an "I did this", you'll receive a noification so you can check out what they just watched.

Regarding your Fitbit...Grokker will only track your minutes (not steps). You can see these under your "I did this" on your profile page or under your calendar. Please note that Grokker only tracks these FitBit activities: Walk, Run, Bike, Swim, Hike, Elliptical, and Sport. If you feel certain things aren't tracking that should be, feel free to reach out to us at and we would can look into it for you.

Kelly Grady, Level 38
February 1, 2018

Hey guys, I checked the Q&A and couldn't find it, so I figured I'd ask here:
My friends are on Grokker too but we don't know how to find each other to follow and share info. We also all have fitbits and I have my synced but can't seem to see where Grokker is tracking my steps or whatnot so my friends and I can compare and compete.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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