How do I heal my Mind with Music for increasing focus in work and Joy in work?
Prasanna Kanchi Bhat, Level 1

Research suggests that listening to music while you're working can improve focus, increase alertness, and boost mental performance. Next time you feel your concentration decreasing, tune into a stimulating track to help power your attention.
Ways to improve your focus at work:
1. Eliminate distractions. ...
2.Take breaks. ...
3. Practice meditation. ...
4. Prioritize your tasks. ...
5. Focus on one thing at a time. ...
6. Allot time to specific tasks. ...
7. Train your mind. ...
8. Work in a quiet space.

Can Music heal the Mind?
Music helps people heal on a physical level by providing transformative relaxation that reduce stress levels and improve cognitive function. It also provides emotional healing by helping us express feelings of grief, fear or sadness which often accompany hospital stays or end-of-life situations.

Can Music improve Happiness &Joy?
Our favorite melodies release dopamine, known as the feel-good hormone, which activates our brain's pleasure and reward system. Music can have a positive, immediate impact on our mental state; fast tempos can psychologically and physiologically arouse us, helping energize us for the day.

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