June 21, 2019

How does this program take into consideration the employee who work the Graveyard shift, therefore have different sleep patterns than those that work more traditional shifts?

Pamela Rapoport, Level 1
Pamela Rapoport
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Responses (1)
Sami Oliva, Level 50
Sami Oliva15 points
June 21, 2019

A great thing about Grokker is that you can watch videos at any time! The platform was built with anytime-access in mind, this includes graveyard shift workers who can't normally attend live classes. Your calendar can be also customized to whatever time fits your personal sleep patterns and you can set program notifications accordingly. Here's a link to an article from the Help Center on how to update your calendar settings https://support.grokker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000166592-How-do-I-update-or-change-calendar-reminder-

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