June 13, 2018

My Garmin data is not displaying

Nicholas LaFalce, Level 131
Nicholas LaFalce
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Responses (2)
Yatharth Raizada, Level 38
Yatharth Raizada0 points
December 16, 2022

I have the same problem. How about yoga?

Debbie Coldiron, Level 98
Debbie Coldiron132 points
June 14, 2018

Hi Nicholas LaFalce. Here are a few notes on how Garmin works:

1. From the time you connect Garmin to Grokker, Garmin will only sync back up to 48 hours, but will then sync your workouts going forward.
2. We record activities tracked by devices only. Manually entered activities are not used.
3. We only record the following Garmin Activities: walk, run, bike, swim, hike, elliptical, and workout.

I see that you've emailed us at support@grokker.com (perfect). I will respond to you there and see if there is something specific I can help you with.

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