March 24, 2019

This is regarding Debt. The video I watched here said to pay off one with highest APR, but there was another that said to pay off lowest credit card debt first. What do you think?

Donna Leon, Level 18
Donna Leon
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Responses (2)
Scott Dentice, Level 38
Scott Dentice0 points
April 1, 2019

Why in the world would you pay of your lowest APR first? Every month you don't pay off your debt results in more debt in the form of interest and the higher the APR the higher that debt.

Debbie Coldiron, Level 97
Debbie Coldiron132 points
March 25, 2019

Hi Donna Leon. Great question. I'm going to defer to Manisha to best answer this question.

Manisha Thakor, can you help Donna?

Thanked by Donna

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