Any video suggestions that can be done with a sprained ankle?
Ingrid Firmhofer , Level 54
8 years ago

Yes, same thing to me. Two weeks ago, I hurt my ankle and 3 days ago I hurt my neck with the plow pose. I need more grounding and centerdness at the moment. I am doing more Qi Gong and meditations the moment and enjoy it. But obviously I had to be forced...

Jeanne K , Level 16
8 years ago

Hi Jeni....thank you so much for this! Helps to hear how you went about it and glad to hear that it actually ends :). Yes isn't it SO frustrating for a minor injury!!! But is a good exercise in accepting things one cannot control. Not that I haven't whined just a bit here and there.... Anyway, thanks again for the advice, I will start doing the one sided stuff. Happy new year!

Marcus Moncayo , Level 7
8 years ago

Hey Jeanne K, I had a really bad ankle sprain last summer. Drove me crazy to sit still and not move my body and excersise, so I tried to do what I could with modifications. A lot of seated poses, side stretches, twists, etc that didn't hurt the ankle. It forced me to be more creative with my practice and I was surprised about all I was still capable of. I did one legged balancing poses as well... I don't feel like it created much of an imbalance because I wasn't doing strenuous work or weight lifting on one side, but it allowed me to do some of my favorite poses I couldn't bare to do without. In hind sight it also helped me to slow down, and understand one of the core values of yoga(That I tend to struggle with due to my naturally competitive nature ;-).... to release expectations on the mat. I just tried to do what I could with what I had at the time, and release frustration of my lack of mobility. It's also a good time for meditation or finding other modes of expression you've been wanting to explore :-). It sucks being injured though, I hope you get feeling better soon <3 <3 <3. Arnica gel is AWESOME for natural pain relief too. Pain Meds make me groggy and feel like crap :-/

Jeanne K , Level 16
8 years ago

I just sprained my ankle pretty badly. I am trying to figure out what videos I can do until I can get back on that leg...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd be happy with anything to avoid losing my current fitness/flexibility level until I'm back to normal. Or anything that might speed healing of that region would help too obviously.

Also do you think it would be counterproductive to work the other leg near a wall (i.e. one legged balancing poses like warrior 3 or half moon) to at least maintain some fitness on at least one side, or would that create an imbalance?

Thank you for any advice!!

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