Build an At-Home Gentle Yoga Routine

Surrounding & Atmosphere

Set aside at least one 20 minute session once per week. Choose a dedicated spot in your home. It doesn’t have to be a big room or well equipped, just make sure the room is dimly the lit, warm, and smelling fresh. Practice when you know there won’t be any noise or distractions, and keep your phone in a different room if you need to.

Props & Supplies

While you may not have all the premium equipment you’d find in a high end yoga studio, you should definitely stock your “studio” with the basics. The must-haves of an at home Yoga practice are: a mat, a strap, blocks, a couple of blankets and some pillows. Don’t have a strap or some blocks? No problem! Just substitute with a belt or a sturdy scarf for the strap, and some books for the blocks.

Preparation & Intention

Before you start, really hone in on your physical being, and understand what your body needs that day. Start with setting an intention. Feeling weak? Start with strength as your intention. Feeling vulnerable? Go with trust. These are examples of powerful intentions that directly address feelings you want to modify. During your practice, call forth that intention, and allow it to power you through your practice. These intentions will allow you to connect with your deeper being, no matter what you may be experiencing.


Choose 4-5 gentle, restorative poses, and write them out with descriptions for each on a piece of paper. You can even include diagrams if you need. Here are the poses that can guide you through a simple daily sequence:

-Sun Salutations
-Standing Side Lean
-Mountain Pose/Chair Pose
-Warrior II
-Downward Facing Dog

Flow through these poses spending a couple of minutes in each one. Remember that it’s all about balance. If you come into a pose in one side of your body, be sure you do so on the other side as well. End in a Savasana - lying on your back with your hands at your side and your palms facing up. Connect with your breath, and just be.

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