November 24, 2019

Any suggestions for good intermediate yoga videos that are 30-40 minutes? I've been doing Emilie Perz's program and Rocky Heron's program for a while. Just looking for other ideas.

Jennifer Blair, Level 60
Jennifer Blair
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Responses (1)
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
December 6, 2019

Celest Pereira has five different programs that you can look at and see if these would work for you. The average video is about 30 minutes. Julie Montagu has three different programs and her latest program is Level 1 Everyday Yoga but the average video is only 20 minutes. Laura Burkhart has a 7 Day Body Reboot and her videos average about 30 minutes. I hope these sugggestions help and you are enjoying using Grokker.

Thanked by Jennifer

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