March 21, 2019

I couldn't get through the first of Celeste's yoga for beginers so I'd like to save it in order to go back and work through it over time... how?

martin c, Level 4
martin c
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
March 21, 2019

Hi Martin. You are definitely welcome to come back to this video at a later date. You have two options on how to do this. When you are on the video page, there is an option below the video that says "Later". When this screen pops up, you may choose to schedule this video for a particular date by using the calendar. Or may simply say "No thanks. Just save for later".

If you choose to schedule on a date, you will receive an email reminder 10 minutes before you have it scheduled.

If you choose to just save for a later time, you may find it by going into "My Profile" and then selecting the tab "Watch Later".

Thanked by martin

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